
Pan-African Media & Development Agency

The Pan-African Media & Development Agency is the umbrella organ for Radio Voice of Naija Our Goals – We are striving towards the goals (below) through our media and development initiatives:

Media Goals:

  1. exploit available media technology (such as radio, television, internet, print media and others) for education, dissemination of information, for the empowerment of our target group;
  2. conduct and also grant interviews on all social, health, educational, business and self-development matters.

Developmental Goals:
  1. We will initiate, engage and partnership with individuals or organisations devoted to development project activities in African countries with the aim:
  2. to improve the quality of life for the rural poor through the provision of basic health facilities, income-generating ventures, provision or enhancement of educational facilities and teaching methods.
  3. Recruit sponsors and partners for the successful execution of the above objectives.

Radio Voice of Naija & Majesty TV

Radio Voice of Naija is the registered trade name for our media communication channel dedicated to helping disseminate relevant and helpful information to the (African) migrant community. Our primary goal is to inform, educate and empower the migrant to succeed within the context of his/her environment, regardless of their personal, racial and financial circumstances. Because ignorance of one’s environment is often a major contributory factor to failure to overcome one’s limitations, there is a felt need to eliminate this obstacle through sourcing and disseminating helpful information, so that migrants can succeed and contribute to the building up of their newly adopted home countries. For this purpose we use both broadcasting, electronic and other relevant media to reach our target group. We also organise community events and activities in line with our goals. We are a non-profit charitable organisation supported by free-will gifts, donations and subsidies. You are welcome to give any donation to support our work.

Key Data

  • Radio Voice of Naija is registered under Stichting Pan-African Media and Development Agency. KVK number 52647641.
  • Bank account: NL52 ABNA 0426 3606 99 / ABNAMRO)| BIC: ABNANL2A
  • Address: Frankemaheerd 12 (unit 8), 1102 AN Amsterdam Southeast, The Netherlands
  • Telephone number(s): +31-6-84-606-550 / +31-6-172-117-99

Rev.Helen Ruth Dorkenoo

Rev. Helen Ruth Dorkenoo

Director & Co-Producer


Our Media

A cutting-edge, weekly, award-winning radio programme-maker on Amsterdam's RAZO cable,ether and internet channel.

VON logo

A '24/7'Live streaming channel on featuring God's Word, Power and much more...

Majesty TV logo

We can be see each week on Amsterdam's SALTO pulic access cable TV channel from 10.00pm - 11.00 pm CET.

Salto TV logo

Rev. Larry Dorkenoo

Rev. Larry Dorkenoo

CEO Majesty TV & Executive Producer


Our Vision:


Empowering & Educating Migrants

In Diaspora